1. EOSC Symposium


  2. Open-Access-Policies

    Intro Ten Reasons for Open Access Source: based on Brinken, H. (2021). 10 Gründe für Open Access. Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4643859 ( CC BY 4.0 International ) The key takeaways from this...

  3. Open Access Glossary

    The following glossary lists and briefly explains basic open-access-related terms used on the website open-access.network. An overview of all terms can be found at the end of this page. Altmetrics Alt...

  4. Editing Open Access Journal

    Intro Academic Publishing: Open Access Gold Source: based on Oberländer, A. (2020). Open Access – Es ist nicht alles Gold, was glänzt. In: Open Science. Von Daten zu Publikationen. Zenodo. http://doi....

  5. Open Access Books

    Intro Open Access in 60 seconds Source: Brinken, H., Hauss, J. & Rücknagel, J. (2021). Open Access in 60 seconds, open-access.network. https://doi.org/10.5446/50832 ( CC BY 3.0 DE ) The key takeaways ...

  6. Open Access Journals

    Intro Facts about Open Access Journals open-access.network (2021) ( CC BY 4.0 International ) The key takeaways from this article are 1 Open access journals are journals whose articles are available a...

  7. Open Access Licences

    Open Content Licences Depending on how one defines open access , the term may mean that a work is not only accessible free of charge but also that it may be reused extensively. To clearly indicate wha...

  8. DOVQuaPub

    DINI-OAI-Validator: Quality assurance of publication platforms The project aims to revise the DINI-OAI Validator, an essential tool for the quality assurance of publication platforms within the framew...

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