
  1. Open Access in Mathematics

    What is Open Access? Find an introduction here. Source: based on Brinken, H. (2021). 10 Gründe für Open Access. Zenodo. ( CC BY 4.0 International ) Open Access i...

  2. Open Access Legal Issues in Switzerland

    Intro Numerous legal questions arise in connection with open access policies and the operation of open access repositories and open access journals . On this page, you will find information on the leg...

  3. Open Access Policy Frameworks

    Intro Open Research Europe Graphic: Open Research Europe in Action. Source: Open Research Europe (2021). The key takeaways from this article are 1 The main player in the policy area of...

  4. Open Access About us

    Initials of the platform The platform provides comprehensive information on the subject of Open Access (OA) and offers practical advice on its implementation. Developed collaboratively...

  5. Open Access Days


  6. Open Access Event calendar

    Hinweise auf Veranstaltungen nehmen wir gerne an unter 2023 Jan 12 Openness anders denken - DGI-Reihe zu Herausforderungen und Chancen offener Infrastrukturen 12. January 2023...

  7. Open Access to Data

    Intro The research data management cycle ( CC BY 4.0 International ) The key takeaways from this article are 1 Research data and their independent publication are becoming increasi...

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