Libraries of Universities of Applied Sciences

At universities of applied sciences and smaller research institutions, the challenges in daily Open Access work sometimes differ significantly from those at larger universities. For example, they are faced with the challenge of offering a comprehensive Open Access service, but often have only limited time and financial resources to do so.

The focus group aims to bring together staff from university of applied sciences libraries to share experiences on the following topics, among others:

  • Managing scarce resources and prioritising activities
  • Challenges in implementing and advising on OA
  • Networking within and outside one's own university or university of applied sciences

Die Treffen der Fokusgruppe finden  online hier im Raum statt. Die Dokumentation der Treffen ist im gruppeninternen MediaWiki verfügbar. 

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Bei Rückfragen wenden Sie sich bitte an Lukas Burkhardt (, Friederike Borchert ( oder Elena Kubein (


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