Focus Group on Open Access Monograph Funds

In order to boost open access for monographs and edited volumes, there are now more and more open access monograph funds that make landmark decisions for the open access book culture. This funding brings about many questions and challenges for all involved.

The focus group on open access monograph funds promotes the exchange of information and the discussion of funding conditions and funding amounts provided by existing monograph funds. It aims to facilitate communication with publishers and authors through agreed and generally accepted funding criteria, cost ceilings and standards.

The focus group builds on the OA monograph funder information exchange workshops organised by the Leibniz Publication Fund for OA Monographs in December 2019 and January 2021. If you are interested, please feel free to get in touch with the contact persons of the focus group.

The focus group is open to new monograph funds. If you have any questions, please contact: Monika Pohlschmidt ( or Jasmin Heuer (E-Mail:

Open Access Monograph Funding

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