How is diamond open access doing in Switzerland?

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The Platinum Open Access Funding (PLATO) project publishes a joint study with the Institute for Applied Data Science & Finance at Bern University of Applied Sciences on diamond open access journals in Switzerland, their workflows, the infrastructures they use, their business models, opportunities and challenges. The results are now published in the form of a report and a dataset on the online storage service Zenodo. For the first time, they provide an insight into the diamond open access landscape in Switzerland and form the basis for the development of sustainable funding strategies as part of the PLATO project, which will run as a cooperation between six Swiss universities until the end of 2024.

The study consisted of three parts: First, bibliometric data were combined with information from Swiss OA publishers, institutional OA experts and information on journal websites to identify Swiss diamond OA journals and their main characteristics. Second, seven semi-structured interviews were conducted with editors of selected diamond OA journals to gain a comprehensive understanding of their workflows, infrastructures, business models, challenges and opportunities. Thirdly, based on the interviews, three surveys were designed and sent to authors and reviewers, editors and representatives of hosting and funding institutions of Swiss diamond OA journals.

Source: Hahn, D., Hehn, J., Hopp, C., & Pruschak, G. (2022). Mapping the Swiss landscape of diamond open access journals. The PLATO study on scholar-led publishing.


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