Open Source Academic Publishing Suite

The OS-APS project is a collaboration between SciFlow in Berlin, the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg and the Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg.

OS-APS has developed an open source software that enables publishing houses to publish various formats such as PDF, generic XML or HTML in a simple and cost-effective media-neutral way.

The software can import Word manuscript formats and convert them into a semantic HTML format. An editor enables any necessary corrections and the addition of further metadata. It is also possible to use templates or create your own templates for the desired corporate design using a template development kit. Interfaces to tools such as OJS and OMP as well as to repository software have been created as part of the project.

OS-APS can be tested live, hosted or further developed by the community (further information on the website). The follow-up project OS-APS STEMO is working on improving OS-APS and developing further functions.

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