What data is collected in the oa.atlas?

Description of the data collected in the oa.atlas

The oa.atlas shows the status quo of Open Access- and Open Science-related activities in Germany. It consists of two components: Firstly, information on the strategies and services of scientific institutions can be accessed in the oa.atlas via the open-access.network website. And secondly, information on the strategies and actions in the federal states and the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) can be found in the Länderdossiers (state dossiers).
In the current second phase of open-access.network, information on Open Access and Open Science/OpenResearch is being collected and curated by project partners Open Access Office Berlin (OABB) and Helmholtz Open Science Office (GFZ).  The tool is technically supported by the Göttingen State and University Library. Data collection will be continued on an ongoing basis. A concept for data curation is being developed that provides for joint work by the community. The data set will be made available under the CC0 license.

Is there any information incorrect or incomplete? Please send an e-mail to oa.atlas@open-access.network. The data is updated once a week.
Further information on the oa.atlas can be found at https://doi.org/10.21428/986c5d43.54fbd167.

Explanations on collected data:


Institution type
The institution type is based on information in the German Research Institutions List (GERiT) of the German Research Foundation (DFG). Missing information was supplemented by additional research.

Research organisation
WGL: Leibniz Association
FhG: Fraunhofer Society
MPG: Max Planck Society
HGF: Helmholtz Association

Trägerschaft Hochschulkompass
The "Trägerschaft Hochschulkompass" is based on information from the "Hochschulkompass" of the German Rectors' Conference (HRK).

OA website of the institution
Website with information on Open Access services at the institution. Criterion: A URL that shows the Open Access services offered at the institution.

OS website of the institution
Website with information on Open Science/Open Research services at the institution. Criterion: A URL that shows the Open Science/Open Research services offered at the institution.

OA contact person
Contact person(s) for Open Access or a website that shows information for relevant services and a name(s). These people usually work at the library or another central department within the institution. Criterion: A URL that identifies the person(s) as the contact person(s).

OS contact person
Contact person(s) for Open Science/Open Research or a website that shows information for relevant services and a name(s). These people usually work at the library or another central department within the institution. Criterion: A URL that identifies the person(s) as the contact person(s).

OA officer
An Open Access Officer has an official mandate (title). This is the spokesperson for all Open Access-related topics, in- and outside an institution, and this person promotes strategic issues, among other things. The position can be filled in a representative or operational way. For practically oriented questions, institutions sometimes also refer to (further) central contact persons (see above) or departments. Criterion: A URL to a website that identifies a person as an Open Access officer.

OS officer
An Open Science Officer has an official mandate (title). This is the spokesperson for all Open Science/Open Research-related topics, in- and outside an institution, and this person promotes strategic issues, among other things. The position can be filled in a representative or operational way. A specification of the tasks cannot be clearly defined yet. Criterion: A URL to a website that identifies a person as an Open Science/Open Research representative.

OA Policy
A document officially adopted by committees or management levels. The Open Access policy often emphasizes free access to text publications. It contains a definition of Open Access, promotes best practices, defines target groups (usually academics) and outlines the roles, rights and responsibilities of various stakeholders within the institution. Reference to other official documents is quite common. In terms of content, guidelines and policy documents could be quite similar due to their more recommendatory nature. Criterion: DOI or URL to a publicly available Open Access policy.

OA strategy
A document officially adopted by committees or heads of universities that contains concrete actions for implementing and promoting Open Access at the institution and defines target groups and responsibilities. Deadlines for specific goals and reference to existing policies could be included. A strategy has a guiding character. Criterion: DOI or URL to a publicly available Open Access strategy.

OS Policy
A document officially adopted by committees or heads of universities that specifies desired practices at the institution. An Open Science/Open Research Policy usually contains a definition of Open Science/Open Research, promotes best practices, defines target groups and outlines roles, rights and responsibilities of various actors within the institution. Reference to other official documents is quite common. In terms of content, guidelines and policy documents could be quite similar due to their more recommendatory nature. Criterion: DOI or URL to a publicly available Open Science policy.

OS strategy
A document officially adopted by committees or heads of universities that contains concrete  actions for Open Science/Open Research implementation and promotion at the institution and defines target groups and responsibilities. Deadlines for specific goals and reference to existing policies could be included. A strategy has a guiding character. Criterion: DOI or URL to a publicly available Open Science strategy.

Signing Berlin Declaration
Indication of whether an institution or an association has signed the Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge in the Sciences and Humanities.

Name of the repository, managed by an individual institution, or made available for members, e.g. as part of a co-operative service. Criterion: A URL of the repository's website.

OA publisher
Name of the Open Access publisher, managed by an individual institution or made available for members, e.g. as part of a co-operative programme. Criterion: A URL of the publisher's website.

OA hosting service
Name of the Open Access hosting service for journals, managed by an individual institution or made available for members, e.g. as part of a cooperative service. Criterion: A URL of the website of the Open Access hosting service.

OA journals publication fund
Indication of whether an institution has a publication fund for Open Access journals. Criterion for inclusion in the oa.atlas: A URL to the website that provides information about the publication fund.

OA monographs publication fund
Indication of whether an institution has a fund for Open Access monographs or a national fund for Open Access monographs. Criterion: A URL to the website that provides information about the publication fund.

Signing OA2020 Expression of Interest
Indication of whether an institution has signed the Expression of Interest in the large-scale Open Access implementation for scholarly journals of the OA2020 initiative.

Signing DORA
Indication of whether an institution has signed the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment.

Signing CoARA
Indication of whether the institution or an association has signed the Agreement on Reforming Research Assessment of the Coalition for Advancing Research Assessment (CoARA).

Signing Jussieu Call
Indication of whether an institution has signed the Jussieu Call for Open Science and bibliodiversity.

A comment is used for the following three cases: Information on mergers of institutions (incl. link to predecessor institutions); if available, further type of institution; earlier policies and strategies.


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