oa.finder: Finding a suitable publication venue for publishing in open access

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DEAL, Plan S and Open Science - all of these pose new challenges for scientists* in their search for a suitable publication venue for their research results. The new online research tool oa.finder on the open-access.network portal now helps them. The oa.finder was developed at Bielefeld University Library as part of the BMBF-funded joint project "open-access.network" and will be operated sustainably after the project's end.

Finding the right publication location with a clear search function

In the oa.finder's simple search mask, researchers can specify the publication type of their planned publication, their role in the publication process, and their own academic institution. The tool then provides customized information on publication venues: this includes information on open access, the subject discipline and the impact, which can be filtered, sorted and searched according to further criteria. In addition, oa.finder provides information on open access publication charges (APCs), funding opportunities via transformation agreements, and publication funds of German scientific institutions. Currently, it is possible to search 55,000 journals. In the future, oa.finder will also offer a search function on publishers that publish monographs, edited volumes, and conference proceedings in open access.

Access to different data sources

The oa.finder accesses publicly available data sources, which are compiled, processed and connected with each other. These include, in particular, the Electronic Journals Library (EZB), the OpenAPC service for cost transparency in Open Access, the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), several journal metrics based on the citation database Scopus, the Directory of Transformation Agreements (ESAC), the Journal Checker Tool as the Plan S Compliance Validator of cOAlition S, and the oa.atlas of the Open Access Bureau Berlin (OABB), which was also developed as part of the open-access.network project. After a test phase lasting several months, the oa.finder is now going live in time for International Open Access Week (24 to 30 October).

Further information: https://finder.open-access.network/info/about

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