Responsible evaluation and quality assurance of OA publications by means of bibliometric indicators (indi:oa)

With the expansion of the OA ecosystem, research institutions are more than ever required to precisely monitor their research and publication output. At the same time, bibliometric services are also increasingly requested in OA publication consulting. The demands on bibliometric expertise are increasing.

It can be assumed that the use of bibliometric methods in consulting as well as in internal and external communication without reflecting on their significance can inhibit a sustainable OA transformation and put innovative OA publication formats at a disadvantage, especially those of small and medium-sized publishers.

Against this background, the project aims at a responsible use of bibliometric indicators in the evaluation of primary OA publication venues in scientific practice, and therefore combines bibliometric studies with awareness activities.

The sub-objectives include

  • the survey, analysis and review of information needs in the context of OA transformation and bibliometrics at scientific institutions in Germany,
  • the quantitative and qualitative survey of bibliometric and publishing characteristics of different types of OA publication venues with a focus on the offerings of small and medium-sized publishers, and
  • the creation and dissemination of evidence-based recommendations for action as well as a mentoring program on the topic of "OA transformation and bibliometrics".
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